Environmental Services

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Environmental Services

At AES, we recognize the critical importance of protecting and preserving our natural resources. We are dedicated to ensuring public health and safety and promoting sustainability through effective pollution management and strict compliance with environmental regulations.

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment(ESIA)

We conduct thorough assessments to determine the potential environmental and social impacts of your proposed projects, ensuring informed decision-making

Environmental Audit

Assess the environmental compliance of your facilities and projects to identify compliance gap and improve environmental performance

Baseline Survey

We collect initial data on existing environmental conditions, establishing a reference point for future project assessment and monitoring efforts.

Environmental Sampling and Testing

Our team expertly collects and analyzes samples from soil, water, and waste water sources to evaluate contamination levels and overall environmental quality.

Environmental Monitoring

We monitor key environmental parameters, including air quality, noise levels, and ground contamination, to ensure your operations remain within regulatory standards.

Environment, Health, and Safety(EHS)

Our comprehensive EHS services include consultancy, training, testing, measurement, and compliance, ensuring your operations are safe and sustainable.

Equipment Supply

AES provides high-quality equipment necessary for precise environmental testing and monitoring, supporting environmental management efforts.